meritan culture diversity inclusion equity

Corporate Culture, Equity, and Inclusion Vision Statement

Meritan is committed to creating a multifaceted, inclusive, and equitable health and social services agency.

Our mission is to improve well-being and promote independence throughout life's stages with quality and compassion. Customers, service recipients, and their families put their trust in our hands. This responsibility is a passion for our team members. Since healthcare and social services are relationship-driven, we want to earn the trust of our service recipients so that we can understand and meet their unique needs.

Built on Meritan Values

We create a more just world by meeting unmet needs and filling in service gaps in our community. Our commitment to diverse corporate culture, equity, and inclusion is built on our core values: absolute integrity, continuous self-improvement, respect and concern for the individual, exceptional customer service, and fiscal accountability. We strive to look for new ways to identify health and social outcome disparities within the communities we serve and find innovative ways to address these challenges. We aim to provide superior service to our community that is person-centered and culturally informed.

Our values inspire us to build and grow a diverse, equitable, and inclusive company culture. Our commitment to continuous self-improvement and respect for every individual means that we treat everyone at the agency with dignity and respect, regardless of their position in the company, background, or experience.

Creating Value for Our Community

Our commitment to exceptional customer service means that our diversity is our strength: differences in perspective, experience, and identities bring about novel approaches that help us meet the complex needs of our service recipients. We believe that we can meet the needs of our community when we ensure that our agency builds teams who have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. We are committed to creating an equitable and inclusive culture. When our team members thrive, our community thrives with us.

What Corporate Culture, Equity, and Inclusion Means at Meritan

Corporate culture at Meritan refers to unique identities and differences, both seen and unseen, including race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socioeconomic status, thinking and communication styles, religious beliefs or affirmations, age, culture, languages, backgrounds, traditions, and ideas or opinions, collectively and as individuals. Corporate culture also includes the talents, skills, abilities, and experiences of all employees. We are committed to building culturally rich teams who serve varied communities. We respect and value corporate culture in our workplace and community.

Equity is our commitment to ensuring our employees have equal opportunities to contribute. We want our employees to be heard, prosper, and grow. We are committed to everyone having fair access to information, resources, and opportunities at Meritan. Equity is also the lens through which we serve the community. We envision a world where everyone's needs are met, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Inclusion at Meritan means that we seek out and welcome everyone's contributions and full participation, whether they are employees or service recipients. Meritan strives to create an inclusive culture where everyone can be seen, heard, valued, and respected in a safe environment.